Welcome! I'm Riv Re, teenager and aspiring author. I post Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Tuesdays are for book reviews; Thursdays are for a weekly meme called "Character Dolls," which showcases character depictions I made online; and on Sundays I just wing it.
This blog is for my writing misadventures, my reviews, ramblings, and rants. My favorite genre is fantasy, so expect a lot of the unusual.

Warning: I've got an awful sense of humor. Don't blame me if you keel up and die from reading the jokes I crack.
Notice: I hold no responsibility for any deaths caused by previously mentioned jokes.

Enjoy and happy reading!

Current Book Showcase-Starling by Lesley Livingston Trailer!
(What's Book Showcase? Click HERE!)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Comic Thursday

Hey Blogger Buds,
Since I'm away right now, and you're talking to Riv From The Past, I'm bringing you some comic strips from the past. Each Thursday I'm gone, I'll be giving you two strips. One is book related, one is just brilliantly funny.

Each week, the comics are courtesy of xkcd. Check them out, they're great.

Title Text: It's really hard to control the frequency, actually.
(Click the image to see the original! Much clearer.)


Title Text: Don't expect any leniency on late fees, though.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Buy Guys

I have no time to write a post now, but for the next month or so I'm internet-free.
There's a blog post every Tuesday and Thursday.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Reads Sunday (5)

Hey Blogger Buds,
This is actually going to be a SRS for the next MONTH. I know, this meme was short-lived, but I won't be able to read too much while I'm away, and I definitely won't be able to post. On Tuesday I'm going to give you guys more info on what's happening in the next month.

Summer Reads Sunday is a meme I'm hosting throughout the summer, in which you showcase books you're reading. I decided to create the meme since people often have more time to read during summer vacation. You're welcome to participate! Just let me know.

Last Week I Planned To Read
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard
Rival by Sarah Bennett Wealer
Viola in the Spotlight by Adrianna Trigiani

Last Week I Read
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Rival by Sarah Bennett Wealer
Viola in the Spotlight by Adrianna Trigiani

Right Now I'm Reading
Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard

My Thoughts
I'm actually pretty proud of me. I got through most of the books I planned to read!
1) Anna, like I said last week when I started it, was amazing. Adorable, hysterical, and all of that. I found myself wanting more, even though it's a stand-alone. I gave it three stars, but I highly recommend it.
2) Rival was terrible. You can read my whole rant on Goodreads, through the link, but I was disappointed, and I would have much rather read Viola, so I could have gotten to Like Mandarin.
3) I love Viola, and this book was probably more amazing than Viola in Reel Life, simply because it takes place in the greatest city ever. Viola and I may not have that much in common, but I see a lot of myself in her.

This Week MONTH I Plan To Read
Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard (in the next few days)
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Eberheardt by Riv Re (Me!!!)

Other Things I'm Planning
Soooo since I'm going to be away, I've decided to print out what I've written so far through Lulu. They have a special offer, they'll print your book for free if you publish one in the next couple of days.
Other than that, it's just Chuck, a set of twins, and myself.

I'll see you guys on Tuesday, and on Wednesday I'm off!

Peace and heat waves (are there EVER!),

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Emotions in Writing: Creating and Channeling Them

Hey Blogger Buds,
I'm so sorry I missed Tuesday! I was feeling really ill, and I was sleeping most of the afternoon.
Today I'm talking about emotions you're feeling, and how you express them in your writing. This post idea is kind of spur of the moment (seriously. I stared at this page, typing that first sentence, and in my mind I was planning what I was about to say, when bingo!) so bear with me.

We all know that emotions play an important part in books. And we all know that the reader won't feel the emotion unless the writer is too. Like the great Robert Frost said, "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader."

But it's more than crying and shrieking (by the way, I may be a pantser, but I don't see how the outliners can surprise themselves). It's about feeling everything, and letting that affect the writing, down to the phrasing.

Let me give a personal example. Back in November, I participated in Nano. I went to one of the live write-in event things, and it was amazingly awkward. I sat there, a little teenager with a little notebook, while all the adults tapped away at their own notebooks. Except their notebooks were computers. And mine was, well, just a notebook. I was tense and awkward, but I started writing. Upon rereading, I noticed that my characters were like that too. Their dialogue was strange and choppy, the prose, simply put, strange and awkward. Awkward. Like I was.

So you obviously have to have the right mood, and be interested in writing for your words to come across semi-decent on the page. If not? Your writing will be unattached and bland. Channeling is a lot more natural, once you're feeling it.

So. What do you do if you're in a certain mood, or not in the mood at all?
If you're not in the mood to write at all, pull up some other project you have, and just write. Or start something new. Maybe it will never see the light of day. But if you start writing, there's a good chance you'll GET into the mood.
If you're in a certain mood, either try the above method, or just write a random scene for your novel that maybe-will-end-up-in-it-but-will-probably-not-but-you-want-to-write-it-anyway-just-in-case-and-besides-why-not.

Okay. You want to write. You really want to get to the next scene. It's going to be so exciting when the zombie giraffes stampede, and the undead gummy monkeys jump down from them and start whacking everyone upside the head with rotten bananas! The scene is going to be really thrilling and fast-paced, heart-stopping. But, in reality, the thing you're in the mood to write about is the forbidden love between the robot werewolf and the vampire Pomerania puppies!
(Impromptu prompt: Write a short story, under a thousand words using the aforementioned plot devices.)

How do you get into the right mood for a scene?
One way is to think happy (or heart-stopping) thoughts. That time you cuddled a live grizzly? Happy. That time you bungee-jumped? Heart-stopping. Maybe it'll get you in the mood.

I take the easy way out, though. Music. Besides for making a playlist for each of my novels, I have one for moods, as well. For my novel, Eberheardt, I made some extra playlists. One of them was called "Death Scene".
For another project of mine, a contemp (don't worry, it's fun, nothing serious) set in a small town, I have a handful of country songs.
And, for a third one called "Fight Instinct", which has a lot of hand to hand combat, I added a bunch of quick songs, and I boost the bass, if possible.

What do you do to get in the right mood for a scene?


PS: I'm still looking for guest posters! If you're up for it, just let me know somehow!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Reads Sunday (4)

Hey Blogger Buds!
It's SRS time! Harry Potter Youtube Linkage Ahead.
Summer Reads Sunday is a meme I'm hosting throughout the summer, in which you showcase books you're reading. I decided to create the meme since people usually have more time to read during summer vacation.

What I plan to read this summer: Part 1 Part 2

Last Week I Planned To Read
Original Sin by Lisa Desrochers
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard
Rival by Sarah Bennett Wealer
Viola in the Spotlight by Adrianna Trigiani

Last Week I Read
Original Sin by Lisa Desrocher

Right Now I'm Reading
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

My Thoughts
1) Original Sin had some disappointing and predictable bits, but it seriously blew my mind. 4 stars
2) Anna and the French Kiss is absolutely amazing. There are barely any negative reviews, and it's so cute and hysterical! There were so many scenes during which I had to stop, I was laughing so hard.
3) I know, I know, I'm terrible! The thing is, I've been writing before going to sleep recently, so that invades on my reading time and I'm insanely behind in my massive stack I wanted to plow through this summer.

This Week I Plan To Read
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard
Rival by Sarah Bennett Wealer
Viola in the Spotlight by Adrianna Trigiani

Other Things I'm Planning This Week: Harry Potter Style!
1) Youtube! I finished A Very Potter Musical, and I need to finish A Very Potter Sequel. I also need to watch the Harry Potter Friday Parody until I have the lyrics memorized. Then it's time to wander around Youtube, finding other great videos, like:
Hallows (Harry Potter Parody of Halo by Beyonce) (This girl is amazing: "This is gonna hurt more than when Snape killed Dumbledore...I feel like Voldemort because my soul's being torn apart.)
Gandalf Vs. Dumbledore (Epic Rap Battles of History #11) (Warning: It's a bit colorful and mature.)

2) Food! Last Friday I made some HP-inspired food. Needless to say, my inner master-chef is keeping her status as "inner"...indefinitely. I made Mulled Mead and Treacle Fudge. Well, the Mead had a typo, apparently, and was Mussed [Up] Mead and I kind of fudged the Treacle Fudge. But I want to try some more recipes, and I didn't have time to pick up ingredients on Friday, so I'm going at it again! Next up: Butterbeer and maybe Seven Horcux Cupcakes (though they look really complicated). Thank you MuggleNet, for the recipes found HERE.

3) Non-HP (sorry): I plan to start putting together my schedule for August. :D I'm still looking for guest posts!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Call For Help

Hey Blogger Buds,
Sorry, but my brain is soooo not up to thinking of a post right now. (I've got some prewritten ones, but I need to save those.) I thought I'd give you guys a comic from xkcd for the fun of it, but then I came up with something better.
Eh, what the hey. Here it is:
Fight Club
Click to embiggen
Title text: I'm not saying it's all bad, but that movie has not aged as well as my teenage self in 2000 was confident it would.
~This is strip 922
(I can TOTALLY bookify this. Remember the Jane Austen's Fight Club on Youtube? Well, connection!)

What I really want to say is that I'm officially making a request for guest posts. It can be about pretty much anything, as long as it's kid-friendly, and related to books. (The second one is optional. I figured I'd throw it in there since this is, ya know, a book blog.)

If you want to guest post, shoot me an email or comment below to let me know!

Email: rivkarno1(at)hotmail(dot)com
Comment: If your email isn't attached directly to blogger, please add it in your comment using the spam-proof format (email at email dot site).


Peace and fight club,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Hey Blogger Buds,
Okay, so I'm really bad at taking care of this stuff, because Monica over at Monica Must Read gave me an award back in the beginning of LAST August, and I'm just awful, because Monica is awesome and I've been ignoring her award. So THANK YOU, Monica!!!

So here's what ya do:
  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
  4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award!

So....7 things

  1. I'm an awful sleeper. It takes me forever to get to sleep.
  2. I was born this awesome
  3. I've developed a love-hate relationship with Robin Hood
  4. It's for my latest WIP
  5. He's awesome, but he's always fighting people
  6. Half this stuff isn't about me, so...
  7. I've been reading some realistic YA. Sh...it's a secret!

And now, onto the 15 Folks of Cool. I'm going to pass it on to some fellow teen bloggers I know and love!
  1. LReneeS of Fictional Writer
  2. Khadija of Black Fingernailed Reviews
  3. Lauren of Books From a Shelf
  4. Katie of Misadventures of a Teenage Bookworm
  5. Alex of More Than Just a Book
  6. Laura of Redhead Ramblings
  7. Brittany of Brittany's Fantasy
  8. Cara of Chasing Words
  9. Shirley of Shiirleyy's Bookshelf
  10. Ella of Ella's Muse
Argh. I need another 5? It took me the past several months to meet 11 teen bloggers of awesome. (Kind of sad, actually.) (Well, not true, as these are only the ones that accept awards.)

I think I'll just break the rules and go with this, since I don't have anything else to post today anyway.

Peace and teens (two things you'll never have at the same time),

Current Music: Random Glee stuff
Current Mood: Hot

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Reads Sunday (3)

Hey Blogger Buds,
Summer Reads Sundays is a summer meme hosted here at Riv Reads. As people usually have more time to read in the summer, this meme is to keep track of your books and bookish happenings.

What I plan to read this summer: Part 1 Part 2

Last Week I Planned To Read
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Original Sin by Lisa Desrochers

Last Week I Read
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman

Right Now I'm Reading
Original Sin by Lisa Desrochers

My Thoughts
I'm really happy to have gotten through most of my planed books this week!
1) Hex Hall is amazing. Last public announcement begging for Demonglass trade! The MC Sophie was fabulous and I totally recommend this.
2) My Misadventures as a Teenage Rockstar was disappointing. I was expecting an action-fill adventure with plenty of laughs and all I got was...a story. That was pretty poorly written, too.
3) Babe In Boyland was hysterical. After Teenage Rockstar, this was perfect for lifting my spirits, making me laugh, and forcing me to cringe, all at every sentence.
4) Original Sin I picked up at a signing (read about the awesomeness HERE) and got right in, though I too a break to read Teenage Rockstar and Babe in Boyland, and I'm loving it. The character POV shifts are a drop confuzzling, though.

This Week I Plan To Read
Original Sin by Lisa Desrochers
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard
Rival by Sarah Bennett Wealer
Viola in the Spotlight by Adrianna Trigiani

Other Things I'm Planning This Week
1) I'm looking for guest bloggers this summer :)
2) I just hit 100 followers! So excited! So I know I owe you guys a crazy insane contest. Look forward to it!

That's all for now, folks!

Peace and beaches,

PS: I'm looking for guests posts for this August!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Summer Reads (Part 2)

Hey Blogger Buds,
So last Thursday I posted the first half of my planned summer reads. It's right here. Time for the other half!
But first, I have news! Look up at the little tab list at the top of your page. You see that little blue one? Is that what you think it is? Yup! It is! Thanks to Blogger In Draft, which makes it super easy, I have a favicon! I made it on Paint in just a few minutes, using the graphiti-like option for the letter. I might decide to download one of those fancy-shmancy premade ones, though, and use that instead.
Anyways, on to it! Sorry, my comments are shorter than Part One's. (Who I am kidding? You're glad to get rid of me quicker!)
Warning: Contemps ahead

Fairy Bad DayFairy Bad Day by Amanda Ashby
Supposedly light and funny. A UF I really want!

Falling for Hamlet by Michelle Ray
The title makes it sound kind of...odd...but it has something to do with Shakespeare. (Really now? Where'd I get that idea?)

Sharks and Boys by Kristen Tracy
This title sounds like the epitome of a contemp, and I feel all of your contempt. (That's a tongue-twister.) It actually reminds me a bit of Beauty Queens by Libba Bray, just different. Plane crash in the middle of the ocean thing.

Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3)Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
Duh! Of course I'm DYING for this one! I read Linger before it came out, (go ARCs!) and that made the wait even longer. I remember thinking "100 + days?!?!?! How will I make it? I've had this on Goodreads since August 30th. And guess what? FOUR MORE DAYS!!!!!

Crush Control by Jennifer Jabaley
I've been waiting for this one for ages, since December actually. And it came out in June!

Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik
Being a blogger, I got interested at the word "EPIC". Because book bloggers are EPIC, and we love the word EPIC. So a book called "Epic Fail" is, well, EPIC. I don't think I'll get around to it for a while though, maybe not even during the summer at all. It comes out August 2nd.

The Vampire StalkerThe Vampire Stalker by Allison Van Diepen
I'm sure that plenty of Twi-hards are going to read this and get insanely jealous of Amy, the protagonist who meets the main character in a popular vampire series. Well, I'm going to get jealous of her too, I guess, but not because of the vampire bit.

Original Sin by Lisa Desrochers
I didn't plan on reading this so soon, but I picked it up at an event, (see my recap HERE) and I decided to dig in, as I didn't have any other summer reads with me. Still reading, and it's fabulous. (And signed to me!) Personal Demons was amazing, and OS follows it. :D

Bargains and Betrayals (13 to Life, #3)Bargains and Betrayals by Shannon Delany
I can NOT say how much I want this. After the way Secrets and Shadows ending, I really need to get this one. It's out on August 16th. 39 days!

Perfect You
 by Elizabeth Scott
I've GOT to go with an Elizabeth Scott book, if I'm reading contemp. This is one of her older books, I believe (I just used "I believe" twice), but I may have someone I can borrow it from.

Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
I already read this one, even though I was planning to push it off, since I own it. Love Sophie! These covers are gorgeous, and I'm going to send out [{yet} another] request: **If anyone owns the orangey US version of Demonglass, in hardcover, and wants to trade for something, let me know!**

Tithe by Holly Black
Because I am a sorry excuse for a fairy-lover, having never read Tithe. I'm redeeming myself now!

A Tale of Two CitiesA Tale of Two Cities by none other than Charles Dickens
This one is for school.

And that, my friend, is everything. What do you think of my stack? What are you planning on reading this summer?

Peace and beach-books,

Vices & VirtuesCurrent Music: Vices and Virtues (album) by Panic! At the Disco (I recently starting listening to this, and it's amazing! Having mostly listened to songs that don't make sense from their '05 and '08 albums, they've gotten even better in the past three years. Oh, and they make sense, which is definitely a bonus.)

Current Mood: Hungry

PS: I'm looking for guest posts for August! If anyone would like to guest post, email me or comment or let me know in some other way, and I'll contact you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Books of Wonder Author Event Wrap-up!

Hey Blogger Buds,
So I literally got back from an amazing event like, ten minutes ago, and I wanted to tell the world about how awesome it was while it's still fresh in my mind. If you forgot, it was Courtney Allison Moulton (Angelfire), Leah Clifford (A Touch Mortal), and Lisa Desrochers (Original Sin).

A Touch Mortal (Touch Mortal, #1)Right off the bat, this is the first signing I've attended in it's entirety. I'm usually late and/or have other stuff that night. BUT I made sure to leave early, so I got there a few minutes before the signing started. Let's recap in time stamps:
Note: I came with money, my copy of Angelfire, and no camera (because I'm a genius)
5:48 Get to Books of Wonder and wonder wander around for a while, wandering wondering what to do.
5:53 Finally decide to buy a copy of Original Sin by Lisa Desrochers.
5:54 Try to figure out whether to find a copy on the shelf, or take one from the gorgeous exhibit.
5:55 Take one from the gorgeous exhibit.
5:56 Wait on line.
5:57 Become a nervous wreck because I NEED A GOOD SEAT.
5:58 Buy book, get a good seat.
5:59 Go stalk Courtney, and talk about Cadan, Wellie, pancakes, and gerbils, while getting Angelfire signed (CAM remembered me!)
Note: 5:59-6:03 were some of the best minutes of my life.
6:04 Event starts
6:05 Courtney, Leah, and Lisa are introduced.
Note: I learned how to pronounce Leah's first name, as well as Lisa's last name. (Turns out it's not Des-roke-hers)
Note: I still can't pronounce Lisa's last name.
6:06-6:50 1)Lisa spoils the entire Personal Demons in a few breaths and reads the beginning of Original Sin. 2)Leah talks about A Touch Mortal, and reads an excerpt 3)Courtney makes pony jokes and reads from Angelfire
6:51 Questions?
6:51:30 Yours, truly, asks the first one, to Lisa. "How did you write PD and OS in 6 weeks each?" Lisa answers "The characters write it themselves." Leah mentions spending several months. Courtney says how it was a NaNo and she had no friends.
6:54 Question: "Who was your favorite character to write?" Lisa: "Luc" Leah: "Like children, I don't pic favorites but...Luc." Courtney: "Ellie" (I think that's what she said. I don't remember!)
6:56: Question by yours, truly: "Why 17?" (All the girls in these 3 books are 17, and it was actually mentioned) Lisa: "17 year old girls are making big events over everything, so I like to give them something that's really big." Leah: "When your 17, you're nearly an adult, and you can make adult decisions, but no one lets you since you're still a kid, and you're somewhere in the middle." Courtney: "Ellie was originally 16, but that was a drop to young to be decapitating monsters."
6:58 Question: "Why write YA, and not dark, adult, urban fantasy?" Courtney and Leah: "I'm trying to connect with my inner teen." Lisa: "I haven't yet connected with my inner adult..."
7:01 Anymore questions? No? Let the signing begin!
7:01:30 Lisa: "Wait! I have stuff for question people!" Yours, truly, now has an awesome, comfy, PD shirt.

The signing was soooo much fun! There weren't so many people, so the lines weren't major, which was great. Everyone hesitated before standing up, but I just got up and walked right over to Lisa to get my book signed, tell her my favorite part, thank her for the shirt, and steal a few thousand bookmarks. (Don't worry! It's for you guys, my lovely readers!) (FYI my favorite part was in the beginning, when Frannie writes "Luke" and Luc corrects it.)
I went to Leah next, told her I hadn't been so interested in TM before, but I was definitely planning on getting now, took some bookmarks and moved on to...
Courtney! I love Leah and Lisa, but I spent the evening trying really hard not to fangirl over Courtney...and I told her this. We chatted for a while, but I stepped aside every now and then so others could squee over her as well. (Though no one was like me.) Of course, I took some bookmarks from CAM as well, and we discussed the awesomeness of Cadan. And cupcakes. (Apparently Cadan, with about 2 words, has a whole fan club. I'm definitely the leader, though.) Cadan plays a massive part in book 2.
I also helped Courtney with signing and putting bookmarks in books. (I helped with the bookmarks, not the signing. That I left to her.)
***By the way, CAM promised a giveaway of some ARCs next week, so don't go visit her blog later to enter, because Wings is Mine, all MINE.
Anyways,  we chatted a bit, I hung out with all the authors and had a lot of fun.

If the three of them are going to be anywhere near you, go see them! They're awesome, and you'll have a BLAST (even if you go alone). They're hysterical as well, and amazing and I can'tstopsayinghowcooltheyare.

Anyway, that's the wrap-up!

Peace and events,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Reads Sunday (2)

Hey Blogger Buds,
Summer Reads Sunday is a weekly meme I'm hosting throughout the summer in which you post about the books you've read and will read throughout July and August. This is a summer meme, as that is when people have the most time to read, usually, and get through more books.

List of what I plan to read this summer HERE
Last Week I Planned To Read

Forever Summer by Alyson Noel
Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs

Last Week I Read
Forever Summer by Alyson Noel

Right Now I'm Reading
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

My Thoughts
This week was crazy hectic, and I barely read throughout the first few days, and the last I was sleeping terribly. Most of my reading happened over the weekend.
1) Forever Summer is a two-in-one. Laguna Cove was terrible, I wouldn't give it any stars at all. Annoying characters, predictability, unoriginal, etc. The whole package. I read a few chapters, and wasted my time skimming the rest. Rating: 0 stars, don't even bother (first time I gave something 0!)
Cruel Summer was good, though. It started out terrible as well, and the writing is a bit forced, but it was cute and fun. Rating: 3 stars, mediocre. not compelling, but interesting.
2) I read HH because I didn't have access to any of the other books on my list. I absolutely adore the covers, and I'm planning on reading this this summer anyway, though I was saving it for August. I've heard great things, and I'm not disappointed. I LOVE these covers. If anyone owns Demonglass (the orangey US version) and is willing to trade, PLEASE let me know. You can link me to your wishlist in the comments, or email me, or something. But I'm slightly obsessed with these covers.

This Week I Plan To Read

Other Things I'm Planning This Week
1)A BBQ! Probably. Happy July Fourth Third everyone, and have a happy fourth tomorrow! Stay safe! Stay cool! (I've got a day off from my summer job to read and relax! Maybe I'll give you guys a bonus post.) To those of you not in the US, happy Monday!
2)A signing! Yup! After getting amazingly fed up by Books Of Wonder, I used this awesome gadget so I get info whenever they post something on their Tumblr! I just hope they mention future signings more often. (They have lots of recap posts.) In recent weeks, I missed Leah Cypess (Nightspell), Caitlin Kitredge (Iron Thorn), Caragh O'Brien (Brithmarked) and more at one signing, and Kimberly Derting (Body Finder), Adele Griffin (Tighter), Lisa Shroeder (The Day Before) and another another night. And these were only the two most recent signings!
So anyway, I'm going on Tuesday from 6-8 pm (I really, really, hope!) to see Lisa Desrochers (Original Sin), Leah Clifford (A Touch Mortal) and Courtney Allison Moulton (Angelfire)(!!!!!). I own Angelfire, and Personal Demons, so I plan to get those signed. I want to buy a book, and since I'm not that interested on A Touch Mortal, I think I'll buy Original Sin.
If you're planning on coming to the event, let me know!
3) NYC Teen Author Festival has a mini-event on Wednesday at the Jefferson Market NYPL Branch, 6:00-7:30. Find out who's coming. I may or may not go. (Blame it on $2.50 fares each way. A train ride is half the cost of a book!)
Again, if you're planning on coming to the event, let me know!

If you want to join the meme, just let me know in some way! (I may even be hosting some giveaways this summer.) 
Have a Happy Fireworks Day!
I'm once again looking for guest posts for the month of August. Let me know!

Happy summer,