Welcome! I'm Riv Re, teenager and aspiring author. I post Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Tuesdays are for book reviews; Thursdays are for a weekly meme called "Character Dolls," which showcases character depictions I made online; and on Sundays I just wing it.
This blog is for my writing misadventures, my reviews, ramblings, and rants. My favorite genre is fantasy, so expect a lot of the unusual.

Warning: I've got an awful sense of humor. Don't blame me if you keel up and die from reading the jokes I crack.
Notice: I hold no responsibility for any deaths caused by previously mentioned jokes.

Enjoy and happy reading!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Hey Blogger Buds,
Okay, so I'm really bad at taking care of this stuff, because Monica over at Monica Must Read gave me an award back in the beginning of LAST August, and I'm just awful, because Monica is awesome and I've been ignoring her award. So THANK YOU, Monica!!!

So here's what ya do:
  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
  4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award!

So....7 things

  1. I'm an awful sleeper. It takes me forever to get to sleep.
  2. I was born this awesome
  3. I've developed a love-hate relationship with Robin Hood
  4. It's for my latest WIP
  5. He's awesome, but he's always fighting people
  6. Half this stuff isn't about me, so...
  7. I've been reading some realistic YA. Sh...it's a secret!

And now, onto the 15 Folks of Cool. I'm going to pass it on to some fellow teen bloggers I know and love!
  1. LReneeS of Fictional Writer
  2. Khadija of Black Fingernailed Reviews
  3. Lauren of Books From a Shelf
  4. Katie of Misadventures of a Teenage Bookworm
  5. Alex of More Than Just a Book
  6. Laura of Redhead Ramblings
  7. Brittany of Brittany's Fantasy
  8. Cara of Chasing Words
  9. Shirley of Shiirleyy's Bookshelf
  10. Ella of Ella's Muse
Argh. I need another 5? It took me the past several months to meet 11 teen bloggers of awesome. (Kind of sad, actually.) (Well, not true, as these are only the ones that accept awards.)

I think I'll just break the rules and go with this, since I don't have anything else to post today anyway.

Peace and teens (two things you'll never have at the same time),

Current Music: Random Glee stuff
Current Mood: Hot


  1. Thanks so much RiV! ^-^ I feel so honored that you thought of me!

    And congratz!

  2. Aww, thanks for the award!

  3. Aww thanks for the award Riv! <3

  4. Haha, thanks so much for the award Riv!
    I feel loved :)

  5. Thanks for the award, Riv! Great surprise:)

  6. Ahh thanks for the award! Obviously you were born awesome, because you're an amazing person :D

  7. Thanks so much!! And yay for realistic YA! Welcome to the dark side. :)

  8. Congratulations on your award!

    I normally get so little sleep that I'm always tired and falling asleep isn't hard for me. So, I guess that's okay...ha!

  9. Thanks for the award Riv!

  10. I had to comment here to say that it made me laugh when you said you were reading some realistic YA. Really, I was laughing! But you know, in a good way? (Just in case! Trust me, this isn't a "hater" comment! :) ) Contemporary books are mostly all I read, so it's cool that you're giving them a try! *High fives you!* Yeah...okay...um...bye?

    Blog: Anxirium

  11. Haha don't worry about ignoring it! I got two or three awards that I haven't posted and I don't even have the links to anymore so I'm much worse about this kinda stuff! lol

    P.S. - I'm an awful sleeper too! I've become nocturnal!


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