Welcome! I'm Riv Re, teenager and aspiring author. I post Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Tuesdays are for book reviews; Thursdays are for a weekly meme called "Character Dolls," which showcases character depictions I made online; and on Sundays I just wing it.
This blog is for my writing misadventures, my reviews, ramblings, and rants. My favorite genre is fantasy, so expect a lot of the unusual.

Warning: I've got an awful sense of humor. Don't blame me if you keel up and die from reading the jokes I crack.
Notice: I hold no responsibility for any deaths caused by previously mentioned jokes.

Enjoy and happy reading!

Current Book Showcase-Starling by Lesley Livingston Trailer!
(What's Book Showcase? Click HERE!)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Idea Fodder

A small selection off my Pinterest board, Idea Fodder. It's a random collection of pictures that give me ideas, spark my imagination.
I put them in a specific order. Try to make a story out of it. Tell me what you end up with.

And there's this girl...
This secret is safe with me. *Super* safe.
Alchemy Kit, Magic
Lookin' good
Oooh, pretty dragons!

I've got my story. It's one of forbidden magic and fear. What's yours?



  1. my imagination sucks. either that or i don't have any creative juices whatsoever so of course, i couldn't come up with anything but i TOTALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY love this post!

    1. You're imagination's fine, Momo! It just doesn't like dragons, is all.
      Who am I kidding? Everyone likes dragons! Even Chuck Norris likes dragons! Your imagination sucks.
      Just kidding, of course. Thanks!


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